Every year May 11 is perceived as the National Technology Day considering India’s technological advancement. Ever since the successful test of the Shakti-I nuclear missile took place in 1998 at the Indian Army’s Pokhran Test Range in Rajasthan. The operation was led by aerospace engineer and late President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. Two days later, the country strongly tested two more nuclear weapons as a part of Operation Shakti initiative. National Technology Day features the significance of science in day to day life and urges youths to hold onto it as a lifelong choice.
On May 18, 1974, India conducted its first nuclear test in the deserts of Pokhran executing it a peaceful nuclear explosion. This main nuclear test codenamed ‘Smiling Buddha’. After the Pokhran-II, the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee declared India a nuclear state. Securing it the sixth country after the US, Russia, UK, France, and China. After joining the ‘nuclear club’ of nations, it was the first country who is not involved with the international treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) which aimed to stop the spread of nuclear weapons hoping to achieve nuclear disarmament.

Facts Known to few:
Turning into the world’s 6th atomic state wasn’t the main attainment for India on that day. While the atomic tests were being commenced in Rajasthan, the nation’s first indigenous aircraft, the Hansa-3, flew in Bengaluru. Designed by the National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL), a Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) lab, the Hansa-3 was a light two-seater general aviation plane used in flying institutes for pilot training, institute for sports, aerial photography, surveillance and environment-related projects.
Well, this isn’t all. May 11, 1998, was additionally the day on which the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) finished the final test-fire of the Trishul missile, which was hereafter introduced into service by the Indian Air Force and Indian Army. The Trishul Missile is A short-range, quick-reaction, surface-to-air (SAM) missile. Trishul was a piece of India’s Integrated Guided Missile Development Program – a Ministry of Defense initiative which resulted in the formation of Prithvi, Akash and Agni missile system.

Why Technology day is celebrated?
The Technology Development Board (TDB) set up since 1999, and following then the day is acknowledged by honouring technological development and creativity who have added to the growth of the nation. The TDB likewise chooses a subject for every year’s occasion and confers National Awards to individuals and institutions for their contribution in the field of science and the efforts of scientists in finding solutions for everyday problems.
National Technology Day Theme
Every year the theme is selected by the TDB to unite and share all the technology day celebration. In 2018, the theme of the National Technology Day was Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future”. Meanwhile, in 2017, the theme was Technology for inclusive and sustainable growth.
Suggestions for celebration National Technology Day
With the number of growing scientific publications at a fast rate, India accounts for around 10% outgo in the R&D field in Asia. Even though we have a huge number of population, the number of scientists our nation account very less. As globalization is empowering the country, it is compulsory to have technical industry reshaped in India to meet the challenges ahead.
National Technology Day is the best platform for spreading awareness about the importance of science and technology for India’s growth and development. Here are some tips to celebrate the day:
We must educate ourselves and people around us about the famous scientists of India along with their discoveries.
Encouraging scientific knowledge instils the importance of science in children and help them to choose it as their career. They also are encouraged to participate in science fairs, projects and quizzes organized across the nation whether online or offline.
One must read science-related magazines and even encourage others to do the same and get information on the use of technology across various fields like agriculture, pharmacy, infrastructure and health.
Everyone should once visit science and technology museums of the nation like the National Science Center, Nehru Planetarium.
News channels must showcase the importance of science and technology along with the live interviews of scientists who have made great contributions to the nation. There should also be panel discussions on the relevance of science with famous personalities in this field.