When dining out the focus is not ‘only’ on food rather whole experience. People do not want it to be just ‘sit down, eat and go’ experience. They want to feel special that take them out of the world. This character of the customer gave birth to the themed restaurant.
The nation is flooding with restaurants, cafes and gastro-pubs, some owners like to highlight a personality at the place that meets their nature. While some like to change boring lifestyles to the world of fantasy and fiction. Today it’s all about providing a unique experience.
The social difference has become one of India’s top issues in recent years, it is time to reflect on how we can contribute not just to the environment, but also to our society.
To take a break from your conventional dining out to have an out-of-the-box experience, We will tell you about some theme based restaurant in India not only serving up delicious food but some doing it for a good cause.
Hang Out At Sheroes
Located in the city of Agra and Lucknow the cafe is solely run by female acid attack survivours. Cafe strives to encourage faith in women who have outlived the disastrous assaults. It not only serves delicious food, but also sells crafts and artwork by its employees, and has a library and gathering space for performances. Their lives and stories of unimaginable pain and an unstoppable spirit couldn’t let them break which definitely an inspiration to all of us.

A Library Cafe Run By Street Kids – Bombay To Barcelona, Mumbai
Ran away from home, lived on the streets and now started his own cafe in Mumbai, Bombay To Barcelona is a must visit. Amin Sheikh, the owner of the cafe didn’t get any formal education but still managed to wrote his autobiography, Bombay Mumbai: Life is Life, I am because of You tells his journey in it. The idea behind the cafe is to employ street children and give them a means of livelihood for 3-4 years until they are confident enough to venture out on their own.

Dine As Your Bill Is Already Paid By The Customer Before You At ‘Seva Cafe’, Ahmedabad
The spirit of “Atithi Devo Bhava” is totally depicted as the meal is already paid by the previous customer and now for your meal, you’ll be paying for somebody else. This process keeps on going. It is run entirely by volunteers who cook and serve meals to visitors that are already paid for by previous offerings. How lovely it is when you get a written note stating your meal was a gift from someone who came before you.

Dine At Cafe Toto Run By Underprivileged Youth, Kolkata
Employing young adults from deprived backgrounds: orphans, disabled, victims of domestic violence and others Cafe Toto, serves Continental and French food. The youngsters are trained in a one year course by French volunteers in various sectors of hospitality to run this unique cafe. The cafe serves only fresh made food seating 20 people in one run and is open only 2 or 3 days a week for lunch now with even delivery at home.

Hijackk Restaurant, Ahmedabad
A double-decker, mobile restaurant fully air-conditioned with an upper and lower deck, treating accommodation of around 44 people where the customers are taken for a tour of Ahmedabad city to enjoy fabulous food while tripping. The aim is to relish your food and experience the lovely look-around.

Fly Dining, Bangalore
Being most uncommon and fearless feasting confronts all around the world, Fly Dining has finally come to India to thrill you with supper in a sky. And to include a sense of adventure and adrenaline to your dining, they fly you 120 feet over the ground. Fly dining in Bengaluru can accommodate 22 individuals around the table and one staff of 4 individuals at its middle to serve you.

Veli Lake Floating Restaurant, Thiruvananthapuram
There is an entire village floating on a lake and the restaurant is just a part of it and you have to cross floating bridges to get to the restaurant. It would be really a refreshing experience to dine in the middle of a lake circled by an attractive surrounding.

Nature’s Toilet Cafe, Ahmedabad
Having restroom in a restaurant is totally normal, but what if your restaurant is in the restroom. Nature’s Toilet Cafe is a toilet-themed restaurant, the only difference here is instead of seats, sofas and chairs there are actual toilet seats. For some, it is weird while some people also find the theme funny. This cafe owns a toilet garden which has a collection of more than twenty lavatories and urinals which date the oldest one back to the 1950s.

Dine at Mirchi & Mime, Mumbai
It is said that action speaks louder than words, it is seen at Mirchi and Mime where the staff consists of people with hearing and speech disability. It has an easy-to-follow gesture glossary is attached to the menu. Diners are required to simply mimic these hand-gestures to place their orders. This unique 80-seater bar and grill restaurant was started by Prashant Issar and Anuj Shah.