
Honest Answers: “People still don’t believe these things happen in this age”

By February 20, 2019 No Comments

Reddit is a great platform for questions and answers and people are brutally honest on Reddit. There’s a subreddit for everything—in the event that you haven’t discovered what you’re searching for, you most likely aren’t looking sufficiently hard.

Here, We have curated a list of best answers to Reddit’s question – “What can’t you believe still happens in this day and age?” This post includes some significant and wittiest answers.

  1. Slavery – According to Wikipedia, there are as of now 46 million slaves.
  2. Forced Marriages still exist.
  3. Individuals executing other individuals since they don’t have faith in a similar god.
  4. Honour Killings – Parents killing their very own child since they brought “disgrace” upon their family.
  5. Baldness -We sent a man to the moon however can’t fix that?
  6. Handwritten signs being used as documentation for approval. It’s so outdated, lacks any real security (when compared to a digital approach).
  7. People dying of hunger and yet there is plenty of food in the world for everyone.
  8. People not being properly punished for horrible crimes.
  9. Offices using fax machines.
  10. Shark and Whale Hunting even if they are considered endangered.
  11. Cultural racism exists.
  12. A door to Door Salesmen.
  13. Wifi is not a human right.
  14. Keep Your Kids’ Vaccinations Up-to-Date.
  15. Know Your Neighbors – People don’t know their neighbors anymore.

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