After January’s Super Blood Moon, the world saw a spectacular sight as a ‘Super Snow Moon’ or Hunger Moon on Tuesday. February’s full moon is said to be the greatest Super Moon of the year.
On this day, the Moon will be only 356,846 km far away from the Earth. However, the current year’s most distant full moon will be at 406,248 km far from our planet on September 14, 2019.

Why the term SuperMoon:
The occurrence of the supermoon takes place when the moon is full or almost full and furthermore at its nearest point to Earth along its somewhat elliptical orbit. It’s hard to differentiate between a regular full moon and a supermoon as it appears 14% bigger and 30% brighter.
Why the term Snow:
Every month the full moon conveys a different name indicating diverse culture and what is most connected with that time. Native Americans and Europeans gave February the “snow moon” title because it was the month correlated with heavy snowfall.
Due to the lack of food availability in the winter, February’s moon is also called the bone or hunger moon.
The starting of this year has already witnessed two of the three supermoons- so in the event that you missed it, the third and last supermoon of 2019 is happening on March 21.

From all around the globe the striking pictures have been caught of 2019’s super snow moon and the individuals have been sharing astonishing photographs of the sparkling moon.
Let’s take a look at some of the few pictures rotating around the internet.