Some research and study show that men mature later than women. Here are some photos to show that it is unimaginable for some men to grow up.
Faltu Saala has collected some photos of guys who remain immature and joyful in spite of their age or status and they’re funny. In this way, perhaps it’s smarter to let men just be themselves…
We’re adults and we get to decide what that means: The Home Depot Edition
My dad thought he was home alone. I had to see why he was laughing so hard..
byu/j_piper infunny
Caught my husband red handed… Thought he was working out.
byu/GorJess229 inpics
Trying to impress my wife with new overpriced smart bulbs, forgot our security cam was recording.
byu/textredditor infunny
My brother really wanted to swim with his turtle.
byu/LutzTrain inpics
I left my husband alone with the baby for ONE hour and came back to this.
byu/Krunchy_Kitten infunny
I could never game because of my toddler son so I finally bought a play pen.
byu/argyllcampbell infunny
The blanket that my husband got me for Christmas. It’s his face
byu/angelinthehallway infunny
Reason #82 why dad’s shouldn’t be left alone with their kids.
byu/mikerockitjones infunny